Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Aftermath of War (Questions 17 - 22)

17.) The Esch-Cummins Transportation Act of 1920 encouraged private consolidation of the railraods and pledged the Interstate Commerce Commission to guarantee their profitability.

18.) The Merchant Marine Act of 1920 authorized the Shipping Board, which controlled about 1500 vessels, to dispose of much of the hastily built wartime fleet at 'bargain-basement' prices.

19.) Strategies used to break strikes in 1919 and 1922 included exploiting ethnic and racial divisions among steelworkers and branding the strikers as dangerous 'reds', and an injunction on 1922.

20.) In 1921, the Veterans Bureau was created, representing one of the few benefits enjoyed by a non-business group in this era.

21.) In Paris in 1919, Teddy Roosevelt Jr. founded the American Legion. It met to renew old hardships and let off steam in good natured horseplay, and became associated with patriotism, conservatism, and anti-radicalism.

22.) The Adjusted Compensation (Hold-up bonus) Act gave every former soldier a paid-up insurance policy due in 20 years, adding about $3.5 billion to the total cost of World War I.

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